Endo Update

I went back to the endocrinologist on Monday to see if this new dosage is working. I saw a new doctor. My doctor was off for the New Year. This new doctor said my TSH is a little higher than they would like it to be but they are going to leave my dosage alone and see what happens. My question was this “If my numbers are better, why don’t I feel different? Why don’t I feel better? Why can’t I remember anything? Why am I still so damn sore and tired all the time?” She just looked at me with pitiful eyes and said, “All of the things you are describing are normal symptoms”. That did not answer a single question I asked. She then proceeded to tell me about Weight Watchers and the Mediterranean Diet and how they are the only researched based programs that have proven to be effective and lasting. I tried to remember if I asked her anything about weight loss or mentioned my weight at all. I then felt an overwhelming desire to rip her head off, spit down her neck and screw it back on. As soon as I got home, I realized I started my period which accounted for part of my rage. I ran into a friend in the parking lot who sees the same doctor and talked to her for a few minutes. On the car ride home, I had a good, angry cry (due to the visit from Mother effing Nature).

Now that my numbers are somewhat better, I guess it is up to me to work on my symptoms. I will still sleep as much as I need to. This has been (surprisingly) the easiest change for me. I have never been a napper. I always saw it as wasted time that could be spent doing anything else. I now see naps as not only a way to recharge, but a way to survive the rest of the day. I have joined the Beginners Paleo Lifestyle Facebook group and will be starting a 30-day challenge on January 7th. I plan to continue the challenge for 90 days and hope I feel some improvements by my next appointment (with my regular endo) in April. I am going to try to be better at putting important dates and events in my phone with frequent reminders.

Published by Mandy

I am a kindergarten teacher in Las Vegas, NV. I have 2 teenagers and an amazing hubby.