The phone call no parent wants to get

Nothing good comes from a phone call at 1:50AM. Mackenzie went to Magic Mountain with some friends for a 16th birthday celebration. She had a great time on Friday and felt totally fine. She woke up Saturday feeling like she’d been hit by a freight train. Not wanting to bother anyone, she didn’t say anything hoping she would feel better. Things went downhill late that evening…

1:50AM – Mackenzie texted Mike and I asking if we were still awake. We both got up and called her right away. I could hear her wheezing as she struggled to talk through her tears. Mike and I got dressed, grabbed her nebulizer and got in the car.

3:00AM – We got in the car and wondered how it was already 3:00! We were both deliriously tired and running on adrenaline but we didn’t feel like we took an hour to get on the road. Then we realized that the time had changed.

7:00AM – We arrived to the hotel in California and gave Mackenzie a treatment right away and drove straight home.

11:00AM – We got home and checked Mackenzie’s temperature. It was 103.1. I texted a substitute teacher and took Mackenzie to the emergency pediatrician.

1:45PM – Mackenzie was finally seen by the doctor and tested positive for the flu. Her saturation level was 92%. If it drops below 90% there is a potential for brain damage. The doctor started a hospital strength breathing treatment right away. That brought her level up to 96% which was high enough to send her home instead of the hospital. We left with 4 prescriptions.

3:30PM – I dropped Mackenzie off at home, gave her a treatment and headed to work to get my sub stuff laid out. On the way, the CVS called and said her prescriptions were ready, so I turned around and picked them up and dropped them off to her at home so she could start them right away.

4:00PM – I got to my school and prepared for a sub for the next 2 days.

6:30PM – I picked up dinner and headed home.

8:00PM – I gave Mackenzie another breathing treatment and went to bed.

What a day!!!

Published by Mandy

I am a kindergarten teacher in Las Vegas, NV. I have 2 teenagers and an amazing hubby.