Good night…yeah right!


I have been on this new dose of medication for about 5-6 weeks now and I was convinced I was reverting back to the hypo symptoms (which was weirdly comforting) but these past few days, I have started to feel like I did over summer when I flip flopped between hypo and hyper symptoms. This morning, I felt my normal tired, foggy, slow paced. But this afternoon it switched to my heart racing, chest tightness, a “wired” feeling energy flowing rapidly through my entire body, feeling anxious and nervous for no reason. Take now for example, why am I up past 10:00PM blogging? I should have been in bed and asleep two hours ago. My alarm is set for 5:00AM! The worst part (well, not the worst part, but a real crappy part) is that I can’t drink real coffee. I can only have decaf (yet another perk of the medication). I’m really trying to find a silver lining. I know it’s not cancer and I’m not dying so I shouldn’t complain, but damn! My kneejerk reaction is to want to call the doctor and hope they have something better to say than the usual “It’s normal, just be patient”. But the thought of that just irritates me so I’m not going to do that. Maybe I’ll give yoga an honest try this weekend and really make an effort to do it on a regular basis. Oh yea, and maybe I’ll cut way back on carbs. I’m pretty sure they aren’t helping me. I just wish they weren’t so good!

Published by Mandy

I am a kindergarten teacher in Las Vegas, NV. I have 2 teenagers and an amazing hubby.