Jake 1st day at UNLV

We lucked out and his classroom was empty, so we took a quick pic!

Aaaannnd now I have a college student (insert crying hysterically emoji)! What in the world happened?! I remember when Jake was a baby, people always told me how fast time would go. I just nodded and smiled and thought “no it won’t”. I can’t believe how wrong I was! These past 18 years have flown by.  Jake is experiencing his first day at UNLV and I pray he is loving every minute of it! He was originally supposed to start yesterday, but he received an email last Friday stating that he was dropped from his business class. After a few frantic phone calls, he spoke with his academic advisor who informed him that he did not need that specific business class. He also told Jake that since he transferred so many credits, he no longer had a freshman status. He is actually a sophomore! He was a great sport when it came time to take “1st day of school” pictures. It felt so good to see him so excited to go back to school this morning. I’m hoping this is where he will meet some more lifelong friends who share his passion for ridiculously overpriced sneakers and off-key sense of humor (he’s usually the only one who thinks he’s funny). Whoever he meets along the way will for sure be impacted for the better. Jake has a unique ability to make your day brighter just by being a part of it. I hope he finds someone who can do the same for him (maybe a cute girl who’s studying to be a doctor or lawyer???). 

Published by Mandy

I am a kindergarten teacher in Las Vegas, NV. I have 2 teenagers and an amazing hubby.