I hate bikes. Seriously. They’re for the birds!

They (whoever “they” are) say certain things are like “riding a bike”, meaning that thanks to muscle memory, the activity that hasn’t been done in a while is easily picked back up with minimal effort. I went back to boot camp today for the first time in 6 weeks. It was NOT like riding a bike! I decided to go back today because if I wait until I feel better (that was my original plan), I’m afraid I would never go! Hashimoto’s has taken over my brain, most of my memory, and just about all my insides. My body feels like I work out hard core daily. My muscles are sore, and my joints are starting to bother me.  On the bright side, I mentally felt better after working out today. I felt like I actually accomplished something important. Something for me. I even felt okay physically during the workout (tomorrow may be another story!). I’m sure I looked like I was about to die at any given moment, but I felt okay.

I’ve been taking my new medication for a little over 3 weeks now and am trying to take the timing into consideration when I think about if I am feeling any different. This new medication is supposed to be kicking in right about now, but I just started a new school year, and things have been chaotic! Is that why I’m so tired? Am I more tired than I was after the first week of school last year? I don’t know! I took my son to UNLV over the weekend to look around the campus, find the best place to park, locate his classrooms, yada, yada, yada. After approximately 10 minutes of walking, I started to feel the same symptoms (heat intolerance) again. My heart started racing, I felt light headed, nauseous and literally felt the little energy I had disappear! I’m hoping that this happened because I still have some of the old medication lingering and this is not a just a fun, new perk!

I stopped following the AIP protocol after my last appointment and am considering going back on it. Not as intensely but trying to eat as minimalistic as possible. The Hashimoto gurus on Facebook swear by this way of eating and are convinced it’s helping their symptoms. I never experienced any of that when I was on the AIP protocol for 6 weeks. Maybe I didn’t do it long enough? Payday is this Friday, so I will stock up on organic, gluten-free, grass-fed everything and try it again (loosely)! Well, it is 8:01PM and officially one minute past my bedtime! Goodnight.

Published by Mandy

I am a kindergarten teacher in Las Vegas, NV. I have 2 teenagers and an amazing hubby.